The Perfect Getaway: Irvington, VA

Traveling is one of my very favorite things to do—even if it’s a quick weekend getaway! I live on the eastern side of Virginia and discovered an adorable and quaint town recently: Irvington, Virginia. This cute little town is an hour northeast from my home so we often take day trips, but I have also spent a whole weekend there. My favorite places to stay are the Tides Inn or the Hope and Glory Inn. Both are wonderful places to stay: amazing food, cozy rooms, and the best hospitality. My daughter and her husband love the Tides Inn, but I preferred Hope and Glory Inn, so you can’t go wrong with either one! The owners of the Hope and Glory Inn, Peggy and Dudley, are so sweet and inviting in all ways possible.

We dropped our bags off, relaxed a little, and had a delicious dinner in their dining room. The next day we went to the winery owned by the inn, Dog and Oyster, and took an evening boat ride on their boat, True Love.

Irvington is a very small town, but there are several adorable shops within walking or bicycle distance from the Inn. My favorite shops within walking distance were Dandelion, Windswept Experience & Supply Co., and Irvington Home Goods. For a little bit of a farther trip by car, my favorites were The Pink Lemon and Pointe Provisions.

In the next town over (Kilmarnock) you can find lunch at the Carwash Cafe and checkout the Kilmarnock Antique Mall.

You definitely don't want to miss this charming town!!!

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